January 30, 2018 David Todd

While on the Innovation Trail, students will focus on the causes and effects of greenhouse gases, changing weather patterns, the influence of carbon in the atmosphere and nature’s ability to recycle.

Students will then learn what they can do to have an immediate and measurable impact on climate change by visiting our two LEED-certified Archetype Sustainable Houses.

Archetype Sustainable House at Kortright Centre

Full Day  |  All Year

Curriculum Connections:
• Science and Technology
• Environmental Science – Grade 11: (U & C Prep.) Scientific Solutions to Contemporary Environmental Challenges; (U & C Prep.) Conservation ofEnergy; (Workpl.) Energy Conservation
• Earth and Space – Grade 10: (Acad.) Climate Change; (Appli.) Earth’s Dynamic Climate
• Physics -Grade 9: (Acad.) The Characteristics of Electricity; (Appli.) Electrical Applications | Grade 12: (C Prep.) Energy Transformations

Kortright Centre has partnered with to make optional boxed lunches available for school groups.



The Sugarbush Maple Syrup Festival on Saturday, March 29 and Sunday, March 30, 2025 has been CANCELLED due to inclement weather.