The Neurodivergence in Nature program offers a unique, sensory-friendly experience designed to engage neurodivergent children with the natural world in…
This program bring together expertise from the disciplines of both science and art to explore the world of tomorrow.
School Spirit Day is a fun, inclusive, interactive day for students and staff, ideal for the beginning or end of…
Students will visit the 10-acre Kortright Organic Farm to learn firsthand where food comes from and see how everything on…
Students will visit and compare two natural habitats by analyzing and collecting empirical data on the biotic and abiotic elements…
Understand the importance of biodiversity and its connection to species survival.
Students will focus on the causes and effects of greenhouse gases, changing weather patterns, the influence of carbon in the…
Through active participation in sampling and inventory techniques, students will conduct an analysis of an aquatic environment.
Investigate the physical characteristics of a river and measure water flow and velocity. Observe valley features and significance of a…
Students will tour two LEED platinum houses demonstrating a host of sustainable technologies that are available now and in the…